Starting Tuesday, September 17th.............................
We're hosting our "Building A Champion" Fall Basketball Training at Bethany Community Center for 3rd - 5th grade & 6th - 8th grade BOYS AND GIRLS YOUTH ATHLETES who want to continue developing their basketball skills.
Fall Session #1 will be on Tuesdays (6 - 7 pm & 7 - 8 pm) and lasts for 8 weeks.
The first 6 classes will focus on skill development (ballhandling, passing, shooting, scoring, defending, rebounding, footwork and teamwork).
The last 2 weeks will include scrimmage games with outside opponents. We're scheduling scrimmage games to evaluate how each youth athlete competes in real game situations.
If you would like to register your child in our Fall "Building A Champion" Youth Basketball Program, please download and complete the registration form, and get it back to me asap.
You may contact me with any questions that you may have.
We'd like to continue providing youth basketball development and mentoring to your youth athlete(s)....
Option #2 will be held at the Wayne YMCA - Hosted by Coach Carl.
Fall Youth Basketball Training starting on:
Monday, September 9th and Wednesday, Sept 11th for BOYS AND GIRLS YOUTH BALLERS.
7 - 10 and 11 - 14 yrs old
4:45 PM and 5:45 PM.......
Similar training strategy. Call me to sign up or for additional information.